Long-term Care Facilities

Dedicated to the Long-Term Care Industry

As the demand for long-term care services grows, many challenges face the industry:

  • Changing service delivery model
  • Impact of health care reform
  • Reduced funding due to the pressure of a challenging economy
  • Shifting demographics that require managing increasing levels of care

At Accident Fund, we are dedicated to understanding the long-term care industry and providing responsive solutions. Our expertise in this area allows us to be a true strategic partner in helping improve the safety of your operations, while reducing claim costs and getting your teammates back to work as quickly as possible.

We have experience and success in handling the unique needs of your industry, from smaller stand-alone facilities to large, more complex organizations that offer a full continuum of care as their residents age. We’re also experts in managing the risks inherent with ancillary operations in the long-term care industry:

  • Food service operations
  • Housekeeping services
  • Maintenance
  • Laundry services
  • Resident transportation

Your organization will benefit from our service-oriented approach to underwriting, claims and loss control as we design a customized insurance program tailored to lower your cost of risk.