Workers’ Comp Medical Provider Search Options

Accident Fund uses the CompWest Medical Provider Search. The providers listed in this CompWest Select MPN listing are deemed in-network providers at the locations listed in the CompWest Select MPN only and no other.

California Employers

California Employers Provider Directory
MPN Contact: For assistance or an explanation about medical treatment for your work-related injury or illness, you can always reach out to your MPN contact.

Name: Michelle Mears
Title: Claims Manager
Address: P.O. Box 40790
Lansing, MI 48901-7990
Telephone Number: 888-COMP-WEST (888-266-7937)
MPN ID: 0079

MPN Medical Access Assistants available (English and Spanish)
Mon. – Sat., 7 a.m. – 8 p.m. providing assistance with access to medical care under the MPN.

Phone: 855-279-2163
Fax: 855-273-6838


Employers – Outside of California

Clinic and Provider Search of the Coventry Network


MPN Notices – California

To obtain a copy of any notification regarding the medical provider network that is required to be given to an employee by regulations adopted by the administrative director, please contact our MPN Contact.

MPN Employer Notification
MPN Employee Handout (English)
MPN Employee Handout (Spanish)
Claims Materials