Six Steps to an Effective Violence Prevention Program

November 4, 2019

The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) defines workplace violence as any physical assault, threatening behavior or verbal abuse in the work setting. Establishing a workplace violence prevention program is an important way to help keep employees safe, comfortable and productive.

There are many different approaches for developing a workplace violence prevention program. An approach that works well for one organization may not be suitable for another. However, with extensive planning and effective program management, organizations can dramatically reduce incidents of workplace violence.

While there are a variety of ways to develop a workplace violence prevention program, the following steps are necessary to the process:

  1. Assess the organization’s current ability to handle potentially violent situations. Specifically, examine these areas:
    • Physical security
    • Pre-employment screening programs
    • Termination practices
    • Outplacement procedures
  2. Identify the in-house resources and skill levels needed for addressing a workplace violence incident and provide training if skill levels are deficient.
    Each job classification should identify the positions responsible and accountable for your organization’s safety program.
  3. Develop a written workplace violence prevention policy that includes:
    • Definitions
    • Incident reporting procedures
    • Response plans
  4. Develop a crisis plan.
  5. Provide initial and annual training to employees.
  6. Establish a schedule for periodically conducting mock simulations.

For more information on building a violence prevention program, visit our Hiring For Safety site or download our violence prevention handout and program. Accident Fund policyholders can also log into our website for a variety of additional safety tools.

If you’re not a customer, click here for WorkSafe information or find an Accident Fund agent near you!

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